Looking for a good graphic style
What is exciting in a MMORPG project is the diversity of skills it requires, for a two people team, the challenge is to find good technics to advance in a project.
Some tiles created by our graphic designer
Here is a sample of graphics we are creating for Do’Yazan project. those are some isometric tiles examples witch will be used in game maps.
DoYazan project
Ezelia community aims to support the development of Do’Yazan MMORPG project, the code name “Do’Yazan” is a reference to a mythical character which is linked to the main events of the game
Welcome to Ezelia Community
Just a first post to announce the official launch of Ezelia community. This web site will contain information and latest updates about DoYazan project development ; a MMORPG inspired from Berber/Arab culture. Ezelia it is also the name of the world where the game takes place, a fantasy univers populated by imaginary creatures. The project …