Category Archive For "Tutorial"
Tutorial : installing Ant on windows
This tutorial suppose that you have a JAVA environment up and running. to install ant, follow those steps. 1 – Download Apache ANT zip archive by clicking the following button 2 – Unzip it to your hard disk assuming you unzipped it to c:\apache-ant-1.9.7 3 – Edit windows environment variables and add the path to …
Setting up a NodeJS platform for multiplayer games/realtime application (Ubuntu+Nodejs+Varnish+Monit)
If you are reading this you already know that nodejs is a powerful engine for your realtime application or multiplayer game. But it’s not easy to setup an up and running platform, which is self monitored. by self monitored here I mean that the platform will automatically detect a nodejs crash/stop and will restart the …
Tutorial : Creating a basic multiplayer game with Phaser and
The goal of this tutorial is to show you how to create basic multiplayer HTML5 game. I’ll use Phaser for game developement and for client/server communication. for this tutorial I suppose you already have some knowledge about HTML5 game developement (with Phaser in preference) I also suppose that you have some knowledge about nodejs …
Tutorial : Handling game scenes and screen scaling with Pixi
Most game tutorials I’ve read speak about how to draw things or write game logic …etc, but when you develop a game,beside the game itself there is also UI and scene transitions that need to be implemented. This tutorial I will show you how to handle game scenes, pause/resume your game and automatically scale the …